Due to the growing interest for the forthcommig Zvezda's British releases, I decided to post a glimpse of the sprues of Zvezda 6167 British Machine Gun with Crew 1939-42, 6168 British mortar crew 1939-42 and 6169 British QF 2-pdr anti-tank gun with crew, which most of you might not have seen. All the miniatures are 1/72 scale. The photos are not mine. They were kindly provided by Arseny aka 'ser vershitel' from the official AoT forum and are now published with his kind permission. Keep in mind that these can be pre-production sprues and they may be different from what will be really sold. The photo quality is average but it will give you the main idea. All of these models will have two sprues (the photos show both sides of both sprues for each of the before-mentioned models).
Speaking about the release dates... A few days ago I saw a back cover of a very famous Russian magazine for model builders. It was a new issue. It showed the pictures of some new British mini-sets with the words under them: 'Already on Sale!'. The shop assistant told me that they were not yet on sale but does it not ring the bell!? ;)
Thanks for the pics of the sprues! I've got all these models. Unfortunately, their bases are too big to comfortably use them in games...